
Create new plugin

You can either use Plugin Registration dialog to create new plugin from a template. The dialog will create a temporary, read-only file that will have to be saved or copied into the Scripts folder. This is quite important, otherwise MacOS may refuse to run the script.

Downloading and modifying one of the sample plugins is good way to start start as well.

Sample Plugin

The AppleScript plugin requires method called handle_url that will take a single argument. The argument is going to contain all URL variables as a record. Returning 1 indicates the handler has finished successfully. If method doesn’t return any value or returns 0, LinCastor Browser will execute to next plugin in line.

on handle_url(args)
  display dialog "handle url: " & |URL| of args
  return 1
end handle_url

The args record will contain different set of variable depending on whether this plugin is called to open URL or lookup a text.

handling URL

URL             => my-
URL_SCHEME      => my-http
URL_HOST        =>
URL_PORT        => 8080
URL_PATH        => /mysite/a.html
URL_PATH_EXT    => html
URL_PATH_NAME   => a.html
URL_QUERY       => ?search=blah
URL_FRAGMENT    => #myanchor
URL_VALUE       =>
URL_B64VALUE    => the same as URL_VALUE but decoded using based64

URL query parameters (everything that comes after ?) is going to be expanded into variables. For example:


Note the upper case of parameter’s name

handling selected text

TEXT => the selected text used for a lookup
ENCODED_TEXT => the selected text encoded using url encoding

Support for shell scripts and Automator workflow

Besides AppleScript, LinCastor browser supports shell script or workflow plugins.

Shell script will receive the URL as first command line parameter, with rest of the variables passed though STDIN. For bash/zsh you can simply do eval cat to make these variables available to your script. Other scripts like perl, python or nodejs will have to parse the STDIN on their own.

Where do I find the Scripts folder?

The scripts folder is under your home folder Library/Application Scripts/com.onflapp.LinCastor-Browser

Use LinCastor’s Help menu or the Plugin Registration dialog to go to it.

If you want to use Finder directly: